Intelligent Digitization of Operational Workflows

Perform without waste from order to delivery

Why ?


  • Shorter and more robust repeatable flow times

  • Fast returns to customers

  • Interactive responses to customer requests

Supply-chain and logistic

  • Control of operational volume at the agreed upon aligned capacity.

  • Streamlined and visual processes

  • Adaptation to market volumes and mix

Production units

  • Simplification of operational management

  • Increased productivity

  • Maximization of the volume produced

  • Digitization of production areas

  • Clear and visual operational processes, just what is needed and easy to understand

  • Conditions met so that everyone in the company can fulfill their missions and apply their standards


An intelligent system parameterized according to the specificities of your processes.


- The Essence of Value
- At the head of the expertise in Operational Excellence for 30 years.
- Cutting-edge and uncommon know-how in flow management.


- Adapted to the users' needs
- Automated to the right need
- Equipped with personalized algorithms


- Demand driven
- Production oriented
- Designed to ensure performance

What is it ?

A visual and interactive pull system




- Pull Absorbs customer needs
    - in volume variation
    - in mix variation
    - in fluctuation speed
- Optimizes the use of resources
- Keeps information flows and physical flows perfectly aligned.

A field-oriented tool adapted to the process to be managed:

  • a customer-oriented tool that is agile in the market

  • a process-oriented tool ensuring the shortest flow times

  • a capacity-oriented tool ensuring the lowest costs.

  • a Total Quality oriented tool ensuring the best performances.

  • a logistics-oriented tool ensuring

    • the right item

    • in the right place

    • at the right time.

  • a user-oriented tool ensuring a clear understanding for each person involved


It can include

  • a logistics box supporting the order book

  • a synchronization box for production and logistics processes

  • a production rate control table (Takt time)

  • a leveling box (Heijunka)

  • control rails (sequencers)

It pilots the physical flows

  • with interactive kanbans

  • in direct connection with the physical flows